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Catharine Hydon

MEd (Early Child Education); Dip Teaching (Early Childhood); Dip. Gov.; FICDA1; MICDA2

With over 30 years experience leading and advocating for quality early childhood education and care, Catharine Hydon’s work as the Principal Consultant and Director at Hydon Consulting, focuses on supporting professionals to explore the relationship between theory and practice.  

Catharine’s collaborative approach and engaging style have taken her across Australia, where she partners with leaders and educators in a collective effort to create meaning, define quality, and engage in the art of transformational change. Central to her work is the cultivation of professional dialogue that embraces diversity and invites deep reflection. 

Informed by a Masters degree in early childhood education, specializing in innovative practice and governance, Catharine is driven by the need for principled approaches to education and leadership, especially in complex times. She brings stories of practice to the intersections of theory, fostering co-design and capacity sharing.

Catharine is a long-time member of Early Childhood Australia (ECA), actively contributing to ECA’s Reconciliation work and regularly writing for ECA publications and professional learning platforms. For the past five years, she has led the facilitator team for ECA’s Colloquia on Leadership and Ethics. Additionally, she serves as a Board Member of the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA3) and has been re-appointed as a second-tier reviewer for ACECQA4.

In 2022, Catharine completed a Diploma of Governance, further deepening her interest and understanding of how effective governance, principled decision-making, and ethical leadership can support positive outcomes for children and communities.


Catharine can work with educators, managers and staff teams to explore:

  • Pedagogical leadership
  • Action research in early childhood  
  • Program planning
  • Children's Rights
  • Responding to diversity in early childhood
  • Inclusive practice in early childhood
  • Responding to the National Quality Standards
  • Leadership for QUALITY in early childhood education and care
  • Implementation of the Early Years Learning Frameworks
  • Advocacy
  • Reflective practice
  • Mentoring and coaching
Catharine is also available as a mentor for early childhood educators or to lead reflective practice groups.


1. FICDA - Fellow of the Institute of Community Directors Australia (
2. MICDA - Member of the Institute of Community Directors Australia
3. Find about more about the VCAA Board here:

4. Find out more about the ACECQA second tier review process here: